My Dad gave me this book as a gift about a month ago. It tells the story of Cleveland Amory and his beloved cat, Polar Bear. As someone who loves cats, it was a truly cool read, especially since I remember the book from when I was a kid. |
I was warned against seeing this because it would bring up too many memories. But in truth it was a wonderful celebration of life and, in an exceptionally different way, truth. I did cry. A lot. But it was wonderfully worth it. |
I really, really, really love this album, especially the tracks "99 Problems," and "Lucifer."
I have to give it more time, but I think it very well might be Jay Z's best album.
This is the fundraising album that MoveOn.org put out. And while the election did not go the way we wanted it to go, this compilation is wonderful. My favorite track is Mike Doughty's "Move On." |
Capturing one family's nightmare at the height of the 1980's child molestation hysteria, this documentary explores fundemental ideas about what is truth, especially since almost the entire story is told through the family's home videos.
Neil Pert, drummer of Rush, lost his wife and daughter within a year of each other. He coped by riding North America on a BMW R1100GS, and this is his book.
Unfortunately, his tale squanders just about every opportunity to meditate on loss, healing, and memory. There's a lot of riding, but not a lot of connection to self or landscape. Sadly, this book is most notable for how poorly it misses its mark. |