here for a printer friendly
version of these pictures.
the glutton for punishment that she is, didn't have enough
of Mormonistan the first time around. So she came back! Here
Anna and Rachel pose at the airport. |
Jordy and Rachel pose at the airport. Jordy is wearing a
new shirt made out of very old fabric -- we've had that
fabric waiting to be made into a shirt for three years.
Good things come to those who wait! |
we got her back in Utah... we took her to Idaho.
the state looks just like the sign. Let's go home."
took Rachel over the hill to Bear Lake. It was almost 100
degrees in Logan. At the lake it was 70 and raining. It was
wonderful. |
no self-respecting person goes to bear lake without getting
a raspberry milkshake. Our usual haunt, Le Beau's was
closed (it being Sunday and all), so we scurried across
the street to the Quick 'n' Tasty which was, true to its
name, quick and tasty. But we still like Le Beau's better.
and Rachel pose in front of the Guns'n'Ammo store. Yes, you're
at Bear Lake, but you're still in Utah. |
came with us to the farmer's market!
waits to get a freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade. |
Market booty: Berries of the GODS.
and Rachel display their take -- Anna got that gorgeous bouquet
of snap dragons (for a song!), bread, tomatoes, green beans,
and blackberries. Rachel has goat's milk lotion and soap.
Oh, and the aforementioned strawberry lemonade. |
for breakfast. It was all about the honey butter and biscuits.
you think her face will stay like that?"
don't know. Just keep smiling." |
raspberry shakes.... and now AGGIE ICE CREAM! It was a
decadent weekend!
ended up buying the same pajamas as Anna. Here they pose with
Shurik, who didn't get any pajamas. Poor Shurik.
towards the light, Rachel!!
and Anna bought fabric so Anna could make some clothes for
Rachel. Here Rachel poses among the lengths of drying fabric.
such a packed, hectic weekend, Rachel laid down for some
well deserved rest.
Red Iguana. Salt Lake City. Oh Dear God.
was sooooo good!!!!!! |
and Anna discovered this gorgeous spot on the Logan River
on the drive back from Bear Lake. It's down a single track
dirt road that ends in a private and secluded beach. We
call it our secret slug spot.
reclines on a rock in the river, which is freezing cold and
feels amazing when the air temp hovers around triple digits.
We later came back with our swim suits and sat in the river
which is only four feet deep in the middle.
don't want to get out!"
cousin, Karissa, was kind enough to send Shurik a care package
full of toys and treats. Here he plays with his new blue mouse. |
here he plays with his bouncy rat (Jordy calls it a hedgehog)
on a string. It's attached to the door jamb and drives him
Do not feed the cat Mountain Dew Live wire. |
are y-y-you looking a-at?"
caught it, now I can devour it!" |
had a bit of excitement in all the heat: a fire sprung
up in Green Canyon. Fortunately it wasn't terribly severe
and was well under control the following day.
smoke. And a firefighting airplane! |
and Anna had to clean out their offices in preparation for
moving to new offices. It was a very bittersweet thing to
do. On one hand, going from this
picture to this one shows what we've done. But we know
we're moving to a better office and a whole new teaching experience. |
OF TOMATOES. And they're all coming ripe at the same time.
leave you with a sweet shot of Anna's sweet peas.
be back in September with pictures of our California trip.
Happy August, and stay safe (and cool)!