Remember this picture from the San Francisco Autoshow last year? And I quote: “no sooner did we enter the Moscone Center did Anna make a Beeline towards her future car -- the Honda Civic si. And it's even in the color she wants to get it in. Come February, this will be more than just a picture” |
Well, guess what? |
As with all things, however, there’s a story here. And a road trip – things are so much better with a story and a road trip! I won’t bore you with our scrimping and saving, but we finally reached our goal and started the process. First we were going to use the Costco Auto Service – the same thing we did for the Corolla. Filled out the info online and they said someone from the Honda dealership in Petaluma would be contacting us in 24 hours. Well, they didn’t. Meantime, our friend, David Eric, has connections with a group of dealerships – the closest one being down in LA. He called in a favor and the fine folks in Culver City made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. We just had to go get it. |
So, on a rainy Friday afternoon we headed out. The weather held until we got onto I-5, when some particularly evil-looking clouds opened up their wrath on us. Fortunately that didn't last, and a little later the clouds became a bit less menacing. And the weather held until the Grapevine. There was snow at the summit and the rain just sucked. But we pressed on, knowing there would be smiling faces at the end of the drive. |
Oh, wait. I almost forgot the obligatory driving shot. It's been a long time since we had one of these, but in case you forgot, this is the side of my head. |
THESE were the smiling faces I was referring to! On (extremely) short notice, our friends, Owen and Sce, said we could stay with them for the night in Irvine. It’s been a while since we have seen them, and we haven’t ever seen any of their So-Cal abodes. MANY thanks to them for opening their house to us at the last minute! |
We hadn’t seen their dogs, Annie (pictured) and Cutter (below), in an even longer time – geez, it’s been like six or seven years! Too long. They’re still adorable, though! |
Look, Winston, these dogs are resting. Being nice peaceful dogs. Learn! Speaking of which, the aforementioned David Eric and Jennifer were kind enough to let Winston hang out with their doggies while we traipsed down the state and back. THANKS AGAIN!!! :) |
We plowed through on the drive down, and by the time we got to Sce and Owen’s we were a bit hungry. Instantaneously they managed to whip together a bowl of polenta and marinara with beef for us. When I say “instantaneously” I’m talking Jetson-quick. They’re that good. |
And it was nom nom nom nom. We are eternally grateful for their hospitality. |
The next morning they made us a lovely breakfast before we headed out. As I said, it was a last minute thing, and they already had plans. We certainly didn’t want to impose any more than we already had, and we were incredibly grateful. Besides, we had someplace to be, too. |
Before we leave, though, a candid shot of a Sce and Owen and their doggies! |
When we arrived at the dealership, there it was front and center. Anna, understandably, went all Beatlemania. Inside we went for a flurry of paperwork. |
Soon enough, we were done and the proud owners of a 2009 Honda Civic SI! |
With the formalities behind us, it was time to get on the road and get acquainted with our new car. Anna wanted me to drive out of LA and she managed this picture as we navigated north on the 405 towards 101. Why 101 and not back to the 5? |
Well, besides being more fun than the arrow-straight I5, 101 also happens to pass through Arroyo Grande, home to our friends Cindy and Mark and their daughter Zoe! |
In addition to Zoe, Mark and Cindy have a menagerie of animals. Here’s Luna, a black Lab. |
And here's Kira, a yellow Lab. One of the things that struck me as funny was seeing these dogs and Owen and Sce's dogs again after spending a year (yes it's been a year on Valentine's day) with Winston. Next to our Creepy Pony, they seem so small, yet I remember them -- all four of them -- as ginormous! Weird. |
And Socrates, who refused a frontal picture until it was cleared by his agent – who was conveniently unavailable – Socrates still looks great even after so many years. He’s a cat in command. |
Then we were back on the road. In LA the clouds were scattered, and, despite a brief downpour coming into Arroyo Grande, that held for the rest of the drive. The clouds lent themselves to some beautiful scenes. |
Not a bad over the shoulder shot! |
Same picture cropped. |
Day turned into darkness as we continued north. Finally we made it to our stop for the evening -- Lana and Gary's house in Sunnyvale. It was a very necessary stop, as we were beat and just tired of being in cars. A good night's sleep left us refreshed and with renewed spirits for the final push home. The weather, too, held for the final leg of the drive. |
Finally, we were home! |
It's been a long time coming, and we have worked very hard, but at long last, we've got our new car. Even after 500 miles, Anna still stood up in the office and stared at the car for a long time muttering, "I can't believe we finally have the car." We do. It's gorgeous and fantastic to drive. So far, February, you've been a good month. |