I don't think we posted about it, but last Monday we brought Winston in to the vet to look at his eyes (there was some goo) and his ears (he'd been shaking his head quite a bit). Turns out his eyes were fine -- goo was normal. But the ears... both were infected so bad that a) they had to sedate him in order to try to look at them because they hurt him so bad, b) they were infected so bad the vet couldn't look all the way down, and c) because they had to sedate him, we had a vet bill that was dog sized (oh, and he's 72 pounds now). We were given some medicine to use in his ears, but if he doesn't get better they may have to surgically drain them which meant a vet bill as big if not bigger.
We applied the medicine religiously, and waited. Yesterday was the dread day. Fortunately, the picture above says it all -- the vet said his ears looked great!
As y'all know, Winston is a quite a mix. Unfortunately, his ears are not water dog ears, and they don't drain properly. So we've got a mix of alcohol and vinegar to put in his ears after he swims to make sure that we don't end up in this position again. For now, though, we have only one Dog-Sized vet bill instead of two. Yeah :)