Last night Bernard F took David and I out to dinner at the owner of Lemo’s restaurant. But first we did a little sight-seeing in downtown Lausanne
The view from above showed some of the cool buildings and streets that make up this neat city
And when you looked up, the skyline stunning skyline will quickly demand your attention
I tried the “stitch panorama” function on the camera, but I haven’t quite figured it out.
Behind us was some sort of government building, or so said Bernard.
Here’s a view of one of the turrets
Near the bottom of the above photo there’s this cool sundial which says something like it only marks the clear days. Très bien!
Walking down from the government building this cute cobblestone road leads to an ancient cathedral.
But we felt like we weren’t alone…

Okay, the above two were from the door to the cathedral:

This is part of our “Switzerland: This Shit Be Old” series, a sign indicated the work on this bell tower commenced originally between 1190 and 1235. That’s old, yo!

If it looks in great shape, that’s because they’re refurbishing the whole thing. I didn’t get any shots of the un-refurbished back part, but the stone looked like my 4th grade sugarcube Mission after I thought spraypainting it would be a good idea. I guess that’s what you get when you’re in the heart of a city, melting stone.

From there we headed to dinner at Le Grand Café. The whole place reminded me of the owner – who owns Lemo as well – it was impeccably elegant without being at all pretentious. How do you pull that off?

The restaurant resides in a building that housed a casino. Half the building is the restaurant and half is the Swiss film museum, so the menu has cute section headers like “Opening Credits” for appetizers – only it’s in French, so it’s like much cuter

The view from the terrace, like most places we’ve eaten at is absolutely fabulous. It was a little hazy, but please draw your attention to the arrow below.

Yeah, that’s a road. And if it weren’t for a lake between me and that road, I’d so be all over it! Oh, and the fact that driving either La Predator or the donkey really up or down it doesn’t seem very appealing. But with a motorcycle? Oh yeah, I’d so be right here:

Back to the shore we were on, here’s the view from terrace:

For dinner I had the locally-caught perch:

And for dessert, three little crème brulees -- One was orange blossom, one was gingerbread and the other…. I don’t remember. Oh, wait, it was nom nom nom nom flavored

Here’s the three of us, David, myself, and Bernard F.

And the entrance to one cool restaurant

Tonight we weren’t feeling like going out so we left the cars behind and walked into Saint Sulpice. It’s a lovely little village, and we decided to revisit the steak-on-a-brick restaurant. And this time I brought my camera!

Yeah, doesn’t look like much, does it? I don’t even know the name of the place. I could have looked at the receipt, but it doesn’t matter. What matters is 1) the view (please note the cool wind sculpture across the lake there):

2) the awesome dining accoutrements; witness, dork number 1:

And dork number 2:

But as I mentioned in my post down below – don’t worry if you skipped over it because there were no pictures, I can’t blame you – they were actually functional. Because after an eternity of waiting, the waiter wheels out his cart and lays your plate in front of you containing fries and a hot brick and a barely-seared steak.

Dude. Steak on a brick is frickin’ awesome. And if you need more, how about that view again?

It sounds like we’re being taken out the rest of the week, too, so I should have some more cool pictures soon!